Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ Cutelyst | |
► Actions | |
► RenderView | |
renderview.cpp | |
renderview.h | |
► REST | |
actionrest.cpp | |
actionrest.h | |
► RoleACL | |
roleacl.cpp | |
roleacl.h | |
► Plugins | |
► Authentication | |
authentication.cpp | |
authentication.h | |
authenticationrealm.cpp | |
authenticationrealm.h | |
authenticationstore.cpp | |
authenticationstore.h | |
authenticationuser.cpp | |
authenticationuser.h | |
credentialhttp.cpp | |
credentialhttp.h | |
credentialpassword.cpp | |
credentialpassword.h | |
htpasswd.cpp | |
htpasswd.h | |
minimal.cpp | |
minimal.h | |
► CSRFProtection | |
csrfprotection.cpp | |
csrfprotection.h | |
► Memcached | |
memcached.cpp | |
memcached.h | |
► MemcachedSessionStore | |
memcachedsessionstore.cpp | |
memcachedsessionstore.h | |
► Session | |
session.cpp | |
session.h | |
sessionstorefile.cpp | |
sessionstorefile.h | |
► StaticCompressed | |
staticcompressed.cpp | |
staticcompressed.h | |
► StaticSimple | |
staticsimple.cpp | |
staticsimple.h | |
► StatusMessage | |
statusmessage.cpp | |
statusmessage.h | |
► UserAgent | |
useragent.cpp | |
useragent.h | |
► Utils | |
► LangSelect | |
langselect.cpp | |
langselect.h | |
► Pagination | |
pagination.cpp | |
pagination.h | |
► Sql | |
sql.cpp | |
sql.h | |
► Validator | |
validator.cpp | |
validator.h | |
validatoraccepted.cpp | |
validatoraccepted.h | |
validatorafter.cpp | |
validatorafter.h | |
validatoralpha.cpp | |
validatoralpha.h | |
validatoralphadash.cpp | |
validatoralphadash.h | |
validatoralphanum.cpp | |
validatoralphanum.h | |
validatorbefore.cpp | |
validatorbefore.h | |
validatorbetween.cpp | |
validatorbetween.h | |
validatorboolean.cpp | |
validatorboolean.h | |
validatorcharnotallowed.cpp | |
validatorcharnotallowed.h | |
validatorconfirmed.cpp | |
validatorconfirmed.h | |
validatordate.cpp | |
validatordate.h | |
validatordatetime.cpp | |
validatordatetime.h | |
validatordifferent.cpp | |
validatordifferent.h | |
validatordigits.cpp | |
validatordigits.h | |
validatordigitsbetween.cpp | |
validatordigitsbetween.h | |
validatordomain.cpp | |
validatordomain.h | |
validatoremail.cpp | |
validatoremail.h | |
validatorfilesize.cpp | |
validatorfilesize.h | |
validatorfilled.cpp | |
validatorfilled.h | |
validatorin.cpp | |
validatorin.h | |
validatorinteger.cpp | |
validatorinteger.h | |
validatorip.cpp | |
validatorip.h | |
validatorjson.cpp | |
validatorjson.h | |
validatormax.cpp | |
validatormax.h | |
validatormin.cpp | |
validatormin.h | |
validatornotin.cpp | |
validatornotin.h | |
validatornumeric.cpp | |
validatornumeric.h | |
validatorpresent.cpp | |
validatorpresent.h | |
validatorpwquality.cpp | |
validatorpwquality.h | |
validatorregularexpression.cpp | |
validatorregularexpression.h | |
validatorrequired.cpp | |
validatorrequired.h | |
validatorrequiredif.cpp | |
validatorrequiredif.h | |
validatorrequiredifstash.cpp | |
validatorrequiredifstash.h | |
validatorrequiredunless.cpp | |
validatorrequiredunless.h | |
validatorrequiredunlessstash.cpp | |
validatorrequiredunlessstash.h | |
validatorrequiredwith.cpp | |
validatorrequiredwith.h | |
validatorrequiredwithall.cpp | |
validatorrequiredwithall.h | |
validatorrequiredwithout.cpp | |
validatorrequiredwithout.h | |
validatorrequiredwithoutall.cpp | |
validatorrequiredwithoutall.h | |
validatorresult.cpp | |
validatorresult.h | |
validatorrule.cpp | |
validatorrule.h | |
validatorsame.cpp | |
validatorsame.h | |
validatorsize.cpp | |
validatorsize.h | |
validatortime.cpp | |
validatortime.h | |
validatorurl.cpp | |
validatorurl.h | |
► View | |
► Cutelee | |
csrf.cpp | |
csrf.h | |
cuteleeview.cpp | |
cuteleeview.h | |
cutelystcutelee.cpp | |
cutelystcutelee.h | |
urifor.cpp | |
urifor.h | |
► Email | |
viewemail.cpp | |
viewemail.h | |
viewemailtemplate.cpp | |
viewemailtemplate.h | |
► JSON | |
viewjson.cpp | |
viewjson.h | |
► Server | |
abstractfork.cpp | |
abstractfork.h | |
hpack.cpp | |
hpack.h | |
localserver.cpp | |
localserver.h | |
main.cpp | |
postunbuffered.cpp | |
postunbuffered.h | |
protocol.cpp | |
protocol.h | |
protocolfastcgi.cpp | |
protocolfastcgi.h | |
protocolhttp.cpp | |
protocolhttp.h | |
protocolhttp2.cpp | |
protocolhttp2.h | |
protocolwebsocket.cpp | |
protocolwebsocket.h | |
server.cpp | |
server.h | |
serverengine.cpp | |
serverengine.h | |
socket.cpp | |
socket.h | |
staticmap.cpp | |
staticmap.h | |
systemdnotify.cpp | |
systemdnotify.h | |
tcpserver.cpp | |
tcpserver.h | |
tcpserverbalancer.cpp | |
tcpserverbalancer.h | |
tcpsslserver.cpp | |
tcpsslserver.h | |
unixfork.cpp | |
unixfork.h | |
windowsfork.cpp | |
windowsfork.h | |
action.cpp | |
action.h | |
actionchain.cpp | |
actionchain.h | |
application.cpp | |
application.h | |
async.cpp | |
async.h | |
common.h | |
component.cpp | |
component.h | |
componentfactory.h | |
context.cpp | |
context.h | |
controller.cpp | |
controller.h | |
dispatcher.cpp | |
dispatcher.h | |
dispatchtype.cpp | |
dispatchtype.h | |
dispatchtypechained.cpp | |
dispatchtypechained.h | |
dispatchtypepath.cpp | |
dispatchtypepath.h | |
engine.cpp | |
engine.h | |
enginerequest.cpp | |
enginerequest.h | |
headers.cpp | |
headers.h | |
multipartformdataparser.cpp | |
multipartformdataparser.h | |
paramsmultimap.h | |
plugin.cpp | |
plugin.h | |
request.cpp | |
request.h | |
response.cpp | |
response.h | |
stats.cpp | |
stats.h | |
testengine.cpp | |
upload.cpp | |
upload.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
view.cpp | |
view.h | |