cutelyst 4.3.0
A C++ Web Framework built on top of Qt, using the simple approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework.
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (C) 2017-2023 Matthias Fehring <>
3 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
4 */
6#include "validatorafter_p.h"
8#include <QLocale>
9#include <QTimeZone>
11using namespace Cutelyst;
14 const QVariant &comparison,
15 const QString &timeZone,
16 const char *inputFormat,
17 const Cutelyst::ValidatorMessages &messages,
18 const QString &defValKey)
20 *new ValidatorAfterPrivate(field, comparison, timeZone, inputFormat, messages, defValKey))
30 Q_D(const ValidatorAfter);
32 const QString v = value(params);
34 if (!v.isEmpty()) {
36 const QTimeZone tz = d->extractTimeZone(c, params, d->timeZone);
38 const QVariant _comp =
39 (d->comparison.userType() == QMetaType::QString)
40 ? d->extractOtherDateTime(c, params, d->comparison.toString(), tz, d->inputFormat)
41 : d->comparison;
43 if (_comp.userType() == QMetaType::QDate) {
45 const QDate odate = _comp.toDate();
46 if (Q_UNLIKELY(!odate.isValid())) {
47 qCWarning(C_VALIDATOR).noquote() << debugString(c) << "Invalid comparison date";
49 } else {
50 const QDate date = d->extractDate(c, v, d->inputFormat);
51 if (Q_UNLIKELY(!date.isValid())) {
52 qCWarning(C_VALIDATOR).noquote().nospace()
53 << debugString(c) << " Can not parse input date \"" << v << "\"";
54 result.errorMessage = parsingError(c, odate);
55 } else {
56 if (Q_UNLIKELY(date <= odate)) {
57 qCDebug(C_VALIDATOR).noquote()
58 << debugString(c) << "Input" << date << "is not after" << odate;
59 result.errorMessage = validationError(c, odate);
60 } else {
61 result.value.setValue(date);
62 }
63 }
64 }
66 } else if (_comp.userType() == QMetaType::QDateTime) {
68 const QDateTime odatetime = _comp.toDateTime();
69 if (Q_UNLIKELY(!odatetime.isValid())) {
70 qCWarning(C_VALIDATOR).noquote() << debugString(c) << "Invalid comparison datetime";
72 } else {
73 const QDateTime datetime = d->extractDateTime(c, v, d->inputFormat, tz);
74 if (Q_UNLIKELY(!datetime.isValid())) {
75 qCWarning(C_VALIDATOR).noquote().nospace()
76 << debugString(c) << " Can not parse input datetime \"" << v << "\"";
77 result.errorMessage = parsingError(c, odatetime);
78 } else {
79 if (Q_UNLIKELY(datetime <= odatetime)) {
80 qCDebug(C_VALIDATOR).noquote()
81 << debugString(c) << "Input" << datetime << "is not after" << odatetime;
82 result.errorMessage = validationError(c, odatetime);
83 } else {
84 result.value.setValue(datetime);
85 }
86 }
87 }
89 } else if (_comp.userType() == QMetaType::QTime) {
91 const QTime otime = _comp.toTime();
92 if (Q_UNLIKELY(!otime.isValid())) {
93 qCWarning(C_VALIDATOR).noquote() << debugString(c) << "Invalid comparison time";
95 } else {
96 const QTime time = d->extractTime(c, v, d->inputFormat);
97 if (Q_UNLIKELY(!time.isValid())) {
98 qCWarning(C_VALIDATOR).noquote().nospace()
99 << debugString(c) << " Can not parse input time \"" << v << "\"";
100 result.errorMessage = parsingError(c, otime);
101 } else {
102 if (Q_UNLIKELY(time <= otime)) {
103 qCDebug(C_VALIDATOR).noquote()
104 << debugString(c) << "Input" << time << "is not after" << otime;
105 result.errorMessage = validationError(c, otime);
106 } else {
107 result.value.setValue(time);
108 }
109 }
110 }
112 } else {
113 qCWarning(C_VALIDATOR).noquote()
114 << debugString(c) << "Invalid comparison data:" << d->comparison;
116 }
117 } else {
118 defaultValue(c, &result);
119 }
121 return result;
125 const QVariant &errorData) const
127 const QString _label = label(c);
128 if (_label.isEmpty()) {
130 switch (errorData.userType()) {
131 case QMetaType::QDate:
132 //: %1 will be replaced by the comparison date in short format
133 //% "Has to be after %1."
134 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-valafter-genvalerr-date")
135 .arg(c->locale().toString(errorData.toDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat));
137 //: %1 will be replaced by the comparison datetime in short format
138 //% "Has to be after %1."
139 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-valafter-genvalerr-dt")
141 case QMetaType::QTime:
142 //: %1 will be replaced by the comparison time in short format
143 //% "Has to be after %1."
144 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-valafter-genvalerr-time")
145 .arg(c->locale().toString(errorData.toTime(), QLocale::ShortFormat));
146 default:
147 return validationDataError(c);
148 }
150 } else {
152 switch (errorData.userType()) {
153 case QMetaType::QDate:
154 //: %1 will be rplaced by the field label, %2 by the comparison date in short format
155 //% "The date in the “%1” field must be after %2."
156 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-valafter-genvalerr-date-label")
157 .arg(_label, c->locale().toString(errorData.toDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat));
159 //: %1 will be replaced by the field label, %2 by the comparison datetime in short
160 //: format
161 //% "The date and time in the “%1” field must be after %2."
162 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-valafter-genvalerr-dt-label")
163 .arg(_label, c->locale().toString(errorData.toDateTime(), QLocale::ShortFormat));
164 case QMetaType::QTime:
165 //: %1 will be replaced by the field label, %2 by the comparison time in short format
166 //% "The time in the “%1” field must be after %2."
167 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-valafter-genvalerr-time-label")
168 .arg(_label, c->locale().toString(errorData.toTime(), QLocale::ShortFormat));
169 default:
170 return validationDataError(c);
171 }
172 }
177 Q_UNUSED(errorData)
178 const QString _label = label(c);
179 if (_label.isEmpty()) {
180 //% "The comparison value is not a valid date and/or time, or can not be found."
181 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genvaldataerr-dt");
182 } else {
183 //: %1 will be replaced by the field label
184 //% "The comparison value for the “%1” field is not a valid date and/or time, or "
185 //% "can not be found."
186 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genvaldataerr-dt-label").arg(_label);
187 }
192 Q_D(const ValidatorAfter);
194 const QString _label = label(c);
195 if (d->inputFormat) {
196 const QString _inputFormatTranslated =
197 d->translationContext ? c->translate(d->translationContext, d->inputFormat)
198 : c->qtTrId(d->inputFormat);
199 if (_label.isEmpty()) {
200 //: %1 will be replaced by the required input format
201 //% "Could not be parsed according to the following date and/or time format: %1"
202 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genparseerr-dt-format")
203 .arg(_inputFormatTranslated);
204 } else {
205 //: %1 will be replaced by the field label, %2 by the required input format
206 //% "The value of the “%1” field could not be parsed according to the "
207 //% "following date and/or time format: %2"
208 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genparseerr-dt-format-label")
209 .arg(_label, _inputFormatTranslated);
210 }
211 } else {
213 if (_label.isEmpty()) {
214 switch (errorData.userType()) {
216 //% "Could not be parsed as date and time."
217 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genparseerr-dt");
218 case QMetaType::QTime:
219 //% "Could not be parsed as time."
220 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genparseerr-time");
221 case QMetaType::QDate:
222 //% "Could not be parsed as date."
223 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genparseerr-date");
224 default:
225 return validationDataError(c);
226 }
227 } else {
228 switch (errorData.userType()) {
230 //: %1 will be replaced by the field label
231 //% "The value in the “%1” field could not be parsed as date and time."
232 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-vaidator-genparseerr-dt-label").arg(_label);
233 case QMetaType::QTime:
234 //: %1 will be replaced by the field label
235 //% "The value in the “%1” field could not be parsed as time."
236 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genparseerr-time-label").arg(_label);
237 case QMetaType::QDate:
238 //: %1 will be replaced by the field label
239 //% "The value in the “%1” field could not be parsed as date."
240 return c->qtTrId("cutelyst-validator-genparseerr-date-label").arg(_label);
241 default:
242 return validationDataError(c);
243 }
244 }
245 }
The Cutelyst Context.
Definition context.h:42
QLocale locale() const noexcept
Definition context.cpp:460
QString translate(const char *context, const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation=nullptr, int n=-1) const
Definition context.cpp:484
QString qtTrId(const char *id, int n=-1) const
Definition context.h:656
Checks if a date, time or datetime is after a comparison value.
ValidatorReturnType validate(Context *c, const ParamsMultiMap &params) const override
ValidatorAfter(const QString &field, const QVariant &comparison, const QString &timeZone=QString(), const char *inputFormat=nullptr, const ValidatorMessages &messages=ValidatorMessages(), const QString &defValKey=QString())
QString genericValidationDataError(Context *c, const QVariant &errorData=QVariant()) const override
QString genericParsingError(Context *c, const QVariant &errorData=QVariant()) const override
QString genericValidationError(Context *c, const QVariant &errorData=QVariant()) const override
Base class for all validator rules.
QString validationError(Context *c, const QVariant &errorData={}) const
QString label(Context *c) const
QString validationDataError(Context *c, const QVariant &errorData={}) const
void defaultValue(Context *c, ValidatorReturnType *result) const
QString value(const ParamsMultiMap &params) const
QString parsingError(Context *c, const QVariant &errorData={}) const
QString debugString(Context *c) const
The Cutelyst namespace holds all public Cutelyst API.
bool isValid(int year, int month, int day)
bool isValid() const const
QString toString(QDate date, QLocale::FormatType format) const const
QString arg(Args &&... args) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
bool isValid(int h, int m, int s, int ms)
void setValue(QVariant &&value)
QDate toDate() const const
QDateTime toDateTime() const const
QTime toTime() const const
int userType() const const
Stores custom error messages and the input field label.
Contains the result of a single input parameter validation.